Being God’s Instrument

This morning as I sit and drink my coffee and reflect on the Lord, I think about the necessity of the Christian being willing to be God’s instrument.  For Christians, everything we do for God (or against God) is choice that we freely make.  This includes our willingness to be submissive to God and allow God to fill us and use us.  Romans 12 reminds us that we are to offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God, meaning that we are to offer ourselves fully to God for God’s use.   Also, as a sacrifice we cannot pick and choose what we do and do not do; we are the sacrifice and do as the Master directs.  Many times we will “offer” ourselves, but do it conditionally.  We will say things like, “Lord use me” and when the Lord wants to we say, “oh no Lord, use but BUT not for that.”  Being sanctified means being fully submitted to God.  Today, I hope that my prayer becomes your prayer:

Father, today we come before your throne and ask for your intervention. We know that you are with us and you walk with us, but we now ask for you to intercede in the lives of those around us who have yet to come to a relationship with you through Jesus. Father, do a new thing today and a new work in us and through us, not so we can brag and boast, but so that we can be used as your instrument through which others can come to know Jesus. Father, we offer ourselves today as the living sacrifice, cleanse and purify us, sanctify us and use us today. Light our paths with Jesus we pray today, amen.